The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss, by Michael Langford
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The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss, by Michael Langford
Read Online and Download Ebook The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss, by Michael Langford
Historically not even one out of every one million humans have succeeded in bringing the impostor self and all suffering to a final end, thus remaining in the true Self whose nature is infinite eternal awareness love bliss. The reason so few humans have succeeded is because usually the impostor self does not want to end. The impostor self has thousands of strategies to prevent it from being exposed and being brought to an end. Some of those strategies appear in the form of thoughts, concepts, beliefs, ideas, opinions, distractions, detours, delays, desires, and feelings. The human mind has thousands of layers of self-deception. The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss exposes the impostor self, some of its preservation strategies and layers of self-deception. Detailed instructions are described for more than nine methods aimed at bringing the impostor self and all suffering to a final end, so that what remains is infinite eternal awareness love bliss. This is the seventh and most current edition of The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss. Many changes have been made to the book since the previous edition. The authors praise of the book has been removed. The sentences are no longer numbered. The type has been changed to Georgia 13. The book has a different cover. Many other changes have been made to the content of the book. The previous edition was published under the title The Most Direct Means to Eternal Bliss.
The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss, by Michael Langford- Amazon Sales Rank: #106025 in Books
- Published on: 2015-06-19
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x .28" w x 6.00" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 122 pages
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17 of 17 people found the following review helpful. Instruction manual for Enlightenment! By S. Srinivasan From the Introduction:"It is possible to be free of all sorrow and sufferingand to experience absolutely perfect infinite eternal joyhere and now in this lifetime.It is possible for all humans, not just a few humans.There is a rapid means to infinite bliss.That rapid means is taught in this book."From 'Chapter One: The Impostor':"All humans are slaves and the imposter 'self' istheir master. Exposing the strategies of that impostor'self', how to put an end to those strategies,how to bring the impostor "self" to a final end,thus ending all suffering and sorrowand remaining in the true Self whose nature isinfinite-eternal-awareness-love-bliss,are the primary purposes of this book."The demands of the ego or the impostor self are insatiable. When the ego's demands are not met, it becomes frustrated, disappointed, angry, bitter, jealous and complaining....on the other hand when the ego's demands are met, after experiencing brief happiness it becomes bored, greedy, spoiled, perverted and self-destructive. The ego's idea of utopia is an unattainable dream and it'll find a way to make itself miserable regardless of external circumstances. Thus one is caught in a vicious cycle of of birth, old-age, sickness and death, leading a life of slavery and suffering. The only solution to free oneself is to turn inward towards the true Self, the source of true happiness and bring the ego (the impostor) to a final end.This book is unique contribution. It is an Instruction manual for Enlightenment! It contains extremely practical step by step instruction to the 'direct experience of reality'. The first three chapters are devoted to understanding the Impostor (ego) and tricks of the Impostor and how it keeps one from waking up. These chapters are extremely insightful and I personally found it very useful. One of the several ego's tricks which I Identified in myself after reading the book was a preference to engage in endless reading and discussion instead of devoting time for actual practice. Then there is a chapter on the importance of ' The desire for freedom' and how it can dissolve all obstacles to enlightenment. There is a chapter devoted to 'How to awaken the desire for freedom' which is also very insightful. There are three meditation practices offered for daily practise as the 'most rapid and direct means to direct experience of reality'. The first one is the 'Awareness Watching Awareness'(AWA) method, and the second one is the 'Abandon Release Method' (ARM), and the third one is the 'Loving Consciousness Method' (LCM). According to the author AWA is the most rapid and ARM is the second most rapid method followed by LCM. These three methods alone are worth the value of the book.In Chapter 6, the author reports how he discovered the Awareness Watching Awareness method after finding the common thread among various spiritual teachings and filtering out the unessential parts. He also reports how he brought his ego to a final end. The following quote's from chapter 6:"The results were Instant!From the very first moment one tries this practice,one is abiding as awareness!There is no waiting! It is easy.This is not meant to implythat from the beginning the ego ends.It takes years of continuous practicebefore the ego meets its final end.However, from the moment one tries this easy tounderstand practice, one is abiding as awareness!"In 'Chapter 8: Further Clarification of The Awareness Watching Awareness Method', The author gives extremely practical tips and pointers to address any questions which might cloud the meditator's mind during practice.There are also several supplementary methods which are not meant for daily use but can be practiced once or twice to get a deeper understanding of the primary method. There is also a chapter titled 'Reminder' which is meant to be read everyday to motivate one to practice the methods every day. There's a chapter called "Loving all Method" which is meant for daily use during normal activities when one isn't meditating in silence. It's a great method to help you stay in equanimity, joy and love regardless of external circumstances.There chapter titled "Experiences, the Journey and the Final Goal" is the biggest chapter in the book. This is an extremely valuable chapter for any person on the spiritual path. Many practitioners fall prey to "Spiritual experiences" and it's not too uncommon for unwary practitioners to mistake such experiences as final liberation. The chapter offers valuable guidance and tips on how to deal with various kinds of spiritual experiences. The chapter also highlights the importance of Spiritual Practice in bringing the ego to a final end and exposes the trap of "Intellectual Spirituality"."Because the true Self is eternally perfectawareness-love-bliss and eternally free of all suffering,some people think there is no need for spiritual practice.Such a notion is an ego preservation strategy.The purpose of practice is not to gain the true Self.The purpose of practice is to remove the illusionof a body, a world, suffering, etc. so that what remainsis only the eternal experience of the True Self.In other words, those who have let the ego trick them intothinking there is no need for spiritual practice,because the True Self is eternally free of suffering, etc.,are still having the experience of suffering, a body, a world,etc. Thus their experience is not consistent with the factthat the True Self is eternally free of suffering and perfectly blissful.This is an example of 'Intellectual Spirituality'."In the movie matrix, the character Neo is a seeker of Truth. He meet Morpheus who offers him a choice:"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."This book "The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss" is the red pill of spirituality. If you read the book and sincerely apply the teachings in the book, you'll start seeing through the matrix, the ego illusion. Your life will never be the same again. Awakening to your true Self will become the number one priority and this book will be your best ally."Suppose someone begins the study and practiceof a spiritual or religious teaching.Thought says 'I am sincere; I really intend to attain thegoal of this teaching.' However, there is another deeperlayer of thought that knows it has no intention ofever attaining the goal of spiritual teaching.Thus the aspirants imagine they are sincerewhen in fact they are not sincere.That is an example of self-deception.Self-honesty is the cure.Self-honesty begins by actually becoming awareof the layers upon layers of self-deception.Devote your life to truth and freedom."The speed of results is directly proportional to you intensity of desire for Freedom, and the intensity of self-honesty. In my case, in the first few years of practising at least 2 hours, I experienced a lot of peace and bliss. I developed full faith in the direct path teachings outlined in the book. In later years, when I tried to increase practice time, I ran into deeper layers of Self-deception within myself. I discovered that my ego did not really want to end. The enlightenment sought by the ego was a state of enlightenment it could come back and tell its friends about! Another ego preservation strategy. when deeper layers of ego became aware that Freedom is not FOR the ego, but FROM the ego, it tried to put resistance against direct path meditation practices. But I had consumed the RED PILL, and there was no going back to a normal life seeking meaningless ego goals or follow some psuedo spiritual teaching that allowed the ego illusion to continue. Everytime I tried, the suffering of perpetuating the ego illusion just asserted itself. It became clear to the ego that it had to end in order to experience permanent happiness. When I became honest with myself and tried to awaken the extremely intense desire for freedom, the practice became far more effective. Peace and perfect clarity returned, and I was able to see through the matrix again. I still have ways to go, and haven't reached the final end of the ego yet, but I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel.If you seek direct experience of Truth, this is probably the only book you need. All other books can be given away.From personal experience, I have absolute faith in the words of this book and highly recommend it to all sincere seekers of Truth!
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful. The most clear teaching of the Direct Path to Freedom By Brian Atkins I have read thousands of books on Enlightenment and Spirituality. I have studied directly with two Teachers whom I consider Enlightened. This is by far the most useful Teaching I have come across. There are so many key insights that are extremely helpful.The book offers unparalleled clarity on discerning the difference between the True Self and the imposter ego. It offers an experiential way to see directly that one's thoughts are leading one away from Truth while pretending to lead you toward the Truth. It reveals that awakening the Extremely Intense Desire for Liberation will solve every problem an aspirant could ever encounter and then guides one in awakening that desire. It then clarifies the practice of diving into the Heart as recommended by Ramana Maharshi and other Great Sages and gives clear instructions on how to do that. This alone makes this book extraordinarily valuable. The instructions on how to practice Self-Abidance from other Great Teachers have always been vague to me. Describing this practice as Awareness watching Awareness makes Self-Abidance immediately accessible. I truly believe this is one of the greatest Spiritual books ever written. In short, it provides everything a Truth Seeker needs and nothing that is not needed. The more I practice the teachings in this book, the more I realize how fortunate I am to have come into contact with such a rare Jewel in a world full of false teachings.Read this book many times very slowly. Contemplating each line. Put it into practice and dedicate yourself to the Truth that you discover. The author has compiled several books of quotes that support this book and help to increase one's clarity and devotion. However, I would read this one first, as it provides a much greater context for studying the other material.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!!!! By A. Hard I keep this at my bedside table. It is one of the most wonderful books I have ever read on Truth. It cuts to the chase and gives an amazing practice that puts you in Truth so that the false can more easily melt away in day to to day life. I have done a ton of meditation in my life and this book is meditation itself. I have already bought several copies for family members/friends. It is truly divine! I will be reading it over and over again for many years to come. Get it, you won't be disappointed!
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